Urban Dictionary Thinks I'm a Secretive Airline. Also? A Fictional Character.
When you find yourself in the midst of an existential crisis, it is often helpful to consult the internet. The internet is just full of useful ways to find out who you are. For example, I can go to Urban Dictionary and type in "Janet" and it will tell me all about myself and what exactly I mean to the world:
1. Janet 106 up , 193 down
Term for the secretive airline owned by EG&G on the northwest side of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas. "Janet" airlines is a fleet of 737-200's that shuttle workers to and from the military instillation at Groom Lake, more commonly known as area-51. The airplanes are stationed at a guarded terminal at the airport. It is rumored that 'Janet' stands for "just another non-exsistent terminal". Janet airlines is the basic mode of transportation for area-51 workers to travel to and from the base. buy janet mugs & shirts by Mr. Tibbs Jun 29, 2005 share this add a video
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