I am a crier. I cry when I’m happy, moved, sad, frustrated, furious or in the midst of infertility treatments...this has caused a considerable and by considerable...I mean ridiculous, amount of crying. I think I even cry when I am confused. Thus, it has become imperative that I find I solid hideout for my cries. I let the happy cries fly in public because it is pretty fun for others to watch me cry at cute kitten videos (I get really happy when I see kittens, okay?), but the serious crying? Well, I save that for my shower. The shower is a phenomenal place to cry. You can really go nuts there. It masks most noise (the acoustics make the dramatic cries fantastic though), it washes the day away (literally) and the whole running makeup business is taken care of. It also minimizes crying side effects. I’m pretty sure that the massage of the shower on your head diminishes crying headaches and a cool splash prevents too much eye puffiness. It’s generally a perfectly private p...