Mes Amis
If I wasn't a Project Manager and I was actually good at science, then there is no question that I would be spending my life as the world’s foremost marine biologist "Dr. Janet AScT, P. Biol. or R.P.Bio" because that is how much I love all the things that live under the water (even though I'm allergic to all things shellfish and they'll kill me). Sea creatures are, in my opinion, the closest thing we have to mythical creatures. Sea creatures are truly magical. From the smallest morsel of floating plankton to the biggest whale in all the ocean, I love marine animals so much I wish I could be friends with them. Thus, I present to you today’s list of stuff... Real Sea Creatures I Want to Be Friends With. *Please note that this list is not a ranking, and my potential marine friends are listed in no particular order* Dumbo Octopus - I think the Dumbo Octopus would be like having a pet dog. I mean, no offense, Dumbo Octopus, but you don’t look like the brigh...