êtes-vous en agitant à moi?
The other day I was at the mall and I was waving goodbye to someone I knew, but two other people thought I was waving to them, which caused them to wave, too. I felt extraordinarily loved, even though I’m sure the other wavers felt weird after the waving incident, largely because there was a large mirror by the door so they could all see each other’s mistaken wave. I wanted to hug them all and tell them, I've been there, when someone waves and you don’t know if it’s at you and you don’t know what to do...I've been there. I didn't hug them because I knew just having the thought was abnormal, let alone acting on it, but I resolved to go home and write out a few handy tips on how to cover up this awkward occurrence. Here are my top 3 tips on how best to handle the awkward wave... Become the designated waver - Become the type of person that waves at everyone constantly. Now if you are going to be the designated waver you should have fun exploring the art of waving. There ...