I've been keeping a secret. I'm not even going to make you wait. I'm just going to come out and say it. I really don't like when people say, "Hey, I have news" and then ramble on for fifteen minutes about how they didn't know how to tell you, and would you like the good news or the bad news first. I mean, if you don't know how to tell me, then maybe you should have thought about it a little bit more before you brought it up, because now I'm just sitting here waiting while you find the perfect words to share news that...let's be honest...probably doesn't impact me in the slightest. And as for the good news/bad news question? What do you think? If you're really asking, I'd rather not hear the bad news at all. Because who wants to hear bad news? Unless it's just "bad" relative to the good news, but not really all that bad in its own right, well then I guess I wouldn't mind hearing it. And I might like to hear it first...
My trip to New York City was completely amazing but I'm not going to lie....the re-entry to life has been difficult this past two days. After 5 days away I thought I'd return refreshed and ready to jump back onto the work/life wagon...I was wrong. Is it Friday yet? The highlights of my trip were many. But first...I had a moment. When we made it to the hotel, the emotions that had been building the entire day and week came bursting out and I cried and cried. Oh, how I cried! Uncontrollable, sloppy, snotty bawling that pretty much claimed an entire box of tissues. You see, the morning that we left my period started...a full 5 days early. I was crushed. I was sure that this was THE cycle. My emotions got the better of me but I quickly re-grouped and a little voice chimed up saying, “Go splash water on your face and get out! Go and tackle your NYC bucket list head on” And tackle we did! In short, we took in two shows on Broadway, made a visit to the 9/11 Memorial, saw the Statue of...
"Something wonderful happens when you use a Cyclo-Massge health appliance by Niagara...daily" If you recall, a few days ago I posted that I had somehow injured my back and I say "somehow" because I have no earthly idea what I did. At any rate...I left work early and popped into the clinic. Apparently just a bad strain. Some TTC friendly pain meds, a heating pad and a prescription for some massage therapy later...I was home on the couch. I relayed all of this to my boss that night and he excitedly told me that he had this awesome massage pad/hand held thing-a-ma-jig he would bring into work for me to try. And bring it he did... It comes in a medium sized suitcase. The size of suitcase I plan on taking for my trip to New York City next week "A wonderful new experience awaits you. Your purchase of a Cryo-Massage appliance by Niagara opens up a whole new vista of glorious living for the entire family. The action produced by ...
So so happy for you!! xoxo