Baby Wipes Forever

Lochlan is no longer a baby and has been potty trained for a while now and I should, at least traditionally, have no use for baby wipes. But I’m here to admit that I just bought a brand new box. On my list of priorities these days, “conserving paper” is right above “inventing a car that runs on pee.” Three years ago year ago (well, exactly 1109 days ago), when I changed a diaper, I would lay out a dozen of them, like I was setting up a game of wipe solitaire. I still have a container in nearly every room and use them now for a variety off-label uses.

Here are just a few...
  • Degreasing my phone
  • Crushing bugs
  • Moistening a temporary tattoo
  • Wipe-down the refrigerator handles
  • Removing makeup
  • Wiping hair off the bathroom sink
  • Create a moist mummy hand for picking up a yogurt-soaked cracker
  • Giving myself a quick "bath"
  • Cleaning dirt off dropped food before eating
  • Wiping snot off the window
  • Wiping snot off the iPad
  • Spot-cleaning my jeans
  • Wiping butter off my hands after removing butter soaked toast crust
  • Removing the peanut butter from a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • Removing butter and peanut butter from my sock
  • Cleaning puke off a shoe
  • Prying a raisin off the bottom of a shoe
  • Cleaning a shoe print off the wall
What about you? Do you also use baby wipes for things other than for wiping wee baby bottoms?


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