Weekend Recap in Pictures & Numbers

Three and seven...
Day 3 blood work 7 am Saturday morning.

4 fun Halloween bottles. Everyone needs a little zombie juice,  spiders kiss, poison and let's not forget the vampire blood.

 Two plus two...
 2 cold feet plus 2 warm slippers...very lovely indeed.

Two equals twenty...
2 wee pumpkins turned into 20 slivers of roasted pumpkin...oh yum!

12 tiny spiders that I lovingly attached to my Mr. Spooky tree. I love him so.

How was your weekend in numbers?


  1. Cute! I love your Halloween decor. I haven't dug mine out of the basement yet. Maybe I'll do that tonight since my nephew is coming over for a visit - he'll be 4 in December so I'm sure he will love helping me decorate. :)


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