The Penis Monolouges Part 1

Lochlan is still spending a great deal of energy examining the male/female thing. We are in the car on our way home from daycare. “Daddy has a penis?” Loch asks. “Yes.” “I have a penis?” “Yes you do.” “Does Poppy have a penis?” “Yes.” “You don’t have a penis.” “No, I do not.” “Do Marshall, Rocky and Zuma have a penis?” “Um, no.” “But Marshall, Rocky and Zuma are boys. They have a penis.” “Marshall, Rocky and Zuma are pretend, not boys.” “Marshall, Rocky and Zuma are boys. They have a boy penis! They are not pretend! I saw them on my iPad!" “I’m sorry, you’re right. The Paw Patrollers have a penis.” “Bob the Builder? Does Bob the Builder have a penis?” “Uh… yes?” "Where do they keep their penis" "Ummmm" "I the lookout and garage" "Sounds about right Lochlan"