Why is it that when you really, really want something you can never seem to find it?

All I want is a little dark chocolate with peppermint cream filling. That isn't asking too much is it? 

I like to think of myself has a fairly healthy girl, I eat lots of fruits and veggies, have been cutting out pre packaged and processed food, I rock climb regularly in an effort to stay fit and maintain some level of sanity...but...I am also a girl that has a fondness for candy, sweets, pastries and chocolate! This fondness is the reason for my current level of frustration. 

For weeks now I have been craving a Cadbury PEP..you know..the cute little dark chocolate mint that comes in the little purple and green package.

I had one a few weeks back for the first time in years and wow, it was delicious! I wanted to have yet another and off to the store I went and no PEP to be found. Off to the next store and no PEP to be found. Off to yet another and no PEP to be found. You can see where this is going. I've been to at least a dozen stores and in a city as big as Ottawa one would figure that it would be easy to find, right? 

My quest for the elusive PEP continues.

2:23 pm
This just in....

Ohhhhh....PEP has been located in the Glebe! Seems that a trip to the Glebe is in order! If I buy all the PEP that they have, will that make me look crazy?

5:53 pm
The sweet peppermint smell of success!

I bought every one that they had! They did only have 5 so I didn't look completely crazy! Happy Friday!


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