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My trip to New York City was completely amazing but I'm not going to lie....the re-entry to life has been difficult this past two days. After 5 days away I thought I'd return refreshed and ready to jump back onto the work/life wagon...I was wrong. Is it Friday yet?

The highlights of my trip were many. But first...I had a moment.

When we made it to the hotel, the emotions that had been building the entire day and week came bursting out and I cried and cried. Oh, how I cried! Uncontrollable, sloppy, snotty bawling that pretty much claimed an entire box of tissues. You see, the morning that we left my period started...a full 5 days early. I was crushed. I was sure that this was THE cycle. My emotions got the better of me but I quickly re-grouped and a little voice chimed up saying, “Go splash water on your face and get out! Go and tackle your NYC bucket list head on”

And tackle we did!

In short, we took in two shows on Broadway, made a visit to the 9/11 Memorial, saw the Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island, toured Downtown, Uptown, Harlem & 5th Avenue. Took the ferry to Staten Island, got a tattoo in the East Village, visited the United Nations where we sent postcards home. Dreamed big at Tiffany & Co, bought more candy than I needed at Dylan's Candy Bar and a million other things in between. 

It was amazing. The only real problem I had on my trip were my feet. Which almost fell off from all the walking. I'm thinking of inventing how to teleport places, and then selling my invention to the city of New York. I would get so rich and they would give me one of those giant keys to the city and the Sex and the City girls would invite me to brunch and I would most likely be the toast of the town.

You know me...just small aspirations. No big deal.

Side note - Did you know that people dress up like the Statue of Liberty and hang out to take pictures with you? And it’s totally free...except they want tips. Good tips. And by WANT, I mean they tell you that you have to tip them. So…it’s not really free. Basically what I'm saying is that these dress up people sort of lie and by sort of...I mean completely but you know what? Didn't bother me a bit. I get it. People need to make a livin yo!

New York City is filled with all sorts of interesting people who say very interesting things like this for example that I overheard while standing outside a tattoo shop in the East Village...

Guy #1: You should stop doing coke and just do ecstasy, because the coke makes you a shady bitch.
Guy #2: Are you on coke right now?

I loved New York. 

Much to our Mother and Aunt's disapproval, my sister and I each got a tattoo at this shop in the East Village

I'll be back with soon as I find the camera!


  1. That dialogue just made me snort water through my nose with unexpected laughter! I too love those kinds of overheard conversations in the special social setting that is NYC. So glad you had a great time and good on ya for the tattoo!

  2. I am so excited to see your tattoo! We are going to New York for Christmas and I can't wait.

  3. Sounds like you had an amazing time! I can't wait for pictures. :)

  4. How fun!!! Hurry up and find your camera I need to see pictures stat! :)

  5. i'm so sorry your period showed but so glad you had a blast and lived it up! the convo between the guys made me lol. oh boy!
    i can't wait to see your tattoo!!! that's awesome!

    1. Thanks Maria. Thinking of you and that sweet baby girl xoxo

  6. What shows did you see??? Were they amazing?? I hear ya on the feet. Last time i was in NYC I seriously injured my right foot just from WALKING. And I was wearing gym shoes too! That city kicked my ass! Glad to hear you had a fabulous time!

    1. Mama Mia and Phantom and they were simply fantastic!

  7. Sounds like a great trip! I also want to know what shows you saw and to see your tattoo. Can't wait for more pics.

    1. We saw Mama Mia (which I had seen before) and Phantom of the Opera...amazing!!

  8. Holidays and periods (or in my case, miscarriages) sucks. Sounds like NYC was the perfect distraction.

  9. Hello??? Pic of the tattoo??

    So glad you enjoyed your trip :)

  10. Maybe this is good luck for you. I started my period the same day I went to NY too...many moons ago. I got pregnant with my twins the following month. I'm sending you some mojo :)

    The last time I went to NY they were repairing an entire chunk of subway. My friend and I got down to Chinatown by subway, but there were no subways running back up. We had a semi-planned itinerary that didn't include having to walk a gazilion blocks back uptown..but it was worth it.

  11. Wow! Sounds like a fantastic few days!


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