Keeping Secrets

I've been keeping a secret.

I'm not even going to make you wait. I'm just going to come out and say it.

I really don't like when people say, "Hey, I have news" and then ramble on for fifteen minutes about how they didn't know how to tell you, and would you like the good news or the bad news first.

I mean, if you don't know how to tell me, then maybe you should have thought about it a little bit more before you brought it up, because now I'm just sitting here waiting while you find the perfect words to share news that...let's be honest...probably doesn't impact me in the slightest.

And as for the good news/bad news question? What do you think? If you're really asking, I'd rather not hear the bad news at all. Because who wants to hear bad news? Unless it's just "bad" relative to the good news, but not really all that bad in its own right, well then I guess I wouldn't mind hearing it. And I might like to hear it first because it might seem pretty decent until I hear the actual good news. Whereas if you share the relatively "good" news first, then the relatively "bad" news is just wasted news because who cares about not-so-great news when compared to particularly-good-news? No one. No one cares about the "bad" news. We all just want the good news.

What were we talking about?

Oh right.

I have news.

I don't really know how to say this...

Well, do you want the good news or the bad news first? I'm going to give you the good news first, and then validate it by adding my own personal flavour of cynicism.

The Good News
Right now, at this very moment, there is a very tiny being growing inside my body. A human being. I mean, it isn't an alien being or something. Although from what I can tell, it does have a very large head and tiny little T-rex arms.

Yes, I'm pregnant. I've been reluctantly keeping it from all of you (not to mention my closest friends and family) for way too long. I don't know if you guys know me at all, but I don't exactly keep secrets very well. I'm a sharer.

Going along with the good news is all the excitement!

But. There is bad news, and it is simply not like me to hold it in.

The Bad News
Very limited rock climbing this summer but I have a feeling I'll deal just fine.

Due - September 18th, 2014


  1. So very happy for you and Adam :) I know how long and hard this journey has been on you and I can't think of a better person to get this wonderful gift.

    You look great pregnant!

  2. SO HAPPY for you!!!! :) :) :) :)

  3. yay!! What great news!!! Congratulations.

  4. HOORAY!! What a cute little bump! Soooo happy for you! CoNGRaTuLaTioNS!!

  5. Congratulations!!!! That's amazing news!! :)

  6. Congratulations!!!! That's amazing news!! :)

  7. Congrats!!! VERY EXCITING NEWS! You look great!

  8. WOW! How could you hold that in for this long???? Congratulations!

  9. I totally gasped when that photo popped up in my feed this morning!!! Holy cow-- I am so incredibly excited for you!!!! You've totally made my day :)

  10. Holy moly!!! Such awesome news! I am extremely happy for you and hope you have a really easy pregnancy.

  11. So glad you're out!!!! And look at that bump!!! And I feel really terrible for you for missing all that rock climbing this summer. Hopefully you'll be able to distract yourself somehow...

  12. What an amazing secret. So happy for you!!!

  13. SO very happy for you Janet!! You look beautiful!! xoxo

  14. WHATTTT?! You have been trying for sooooo long!! This is fabulous news. Congrats congrats congrats!!!

  15. Yay!! I've been following your blog for so long. Such great news. Congrats!!!

  16. SUCH GREAT NEWS! I'm so happy for you!

  17. SUCH GREAT NEWS! I'm so happy for you!

  18. you know i love all of your posts, but this is my very favorite!! :)
    i'm so so SO happy for you! i love the collage of u/s photos! your bump is too cute!! i can't wait to follow along this next chapter of yours...and the next, and the next!
    you're due on my birthday!
    i love the video you included...hearing the life growing inside of you...incredible!! <3<3<3

  19. Congratulations! :) Fantastic news

  20. Congratulations! I have been following your blog for a while...such happy news!

  21. Congratulations! I've been reading your blog for quite a while, and was so happy to read your news. After a long struggle, I'm currently 25 weeks pregnant with twin boys and I share your joy wholeheartedly! Such an incredible blessing and I wish you the very best.

  22. Janet- I can't even tell you how happy your post made me! I've been following your blog for a long time and I am sooooo happy for you.

  23. OMG!!!! I am so so so happy for you!!!

  24. Yayyy!! Just so incredibly happy for you!

  25. What amazing news!! Congratulations!
    I have been following your blog for quite some time now as I discovered it when my husband and I were going through our infertility journey. (We now have an amazing 13 month old son thanks to IVF!)
    Wishing you, your husband and growing baby all the best!!

  26. Oh my god I have had a really long hard day and this just brought tears to my eyes. I am SO SO SO happy for you!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!

  27. This is amazing news, congratulations! What strikes me the most is how truly *wanted* this child is. One day, he/she will read or hear about your struggles to conceive and know that his/her mom did everything she could to bring him/her here into this world. Very happy for you and your family. Keep well :)

  28. So happy for you and Adam, you have got the quirkiest and most wonderful outlook on life Janet-- I know you guys will be fun parents. CONGRATULATIONS!

  29. OH Janet - I rarely comment but read every post, even go back and catch up when I haven't been able to read lately. NO ONE deserves to be a mom more than you do. I am so, so SO thrilled and happy to read this! It would have been so painfully sad to see such a refreshing, positive person like you never be a mom. And now you are! Many wonderful blessings to you!


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