
That’s kind of what I’ve felt like doing lately. Why? Good question. I think part of it is that there’s a lot going on in my little corner of the world, lots of upsetting circumstances, disappointments and heartache. Thankfully none of it is life shattering and I am always aware that...all things considered...I have a very good life indeed. I am fortunate and blessed and this is never, ever lost on me. I tend to be the type of person who easily absorbs and is affected by others energy. That’s to say, that if I’m around someone who’s happy and has a great outlook on life, it will rub off on me. If I’m around someone who’s hurting and down, that will rub off on me as well. I also tend to be someone whom others seek out to talk to, to share with. And I do enjoy being there for others and helping them if I can. However, over the years I've learned that I have to keep some boundaries in place or else I will find myself completely drained and I’ll have nothing left to give...