Thirty Five Weeks & an Update

Today I am 35 weeks 4 days pregnant. Wow. Still surreal to be here...especially given that I've now been having contractions on and off since July 26th when I was admitted to the hospital (for the first time). When I last updated on the 12th, I had a scheduled ultrasound and appointment the following day.

The ultrasound reassured us that all is well with baby boy! My appointment however, brought some unsettling news. I had been contracting all morning and after checking me, it showed that I was dilated to 2 cm and was 80% effaced. This earned me another trip to Labor & Delivery. It really looked for a few hours that we were going to have the baby that day but once again...despite my uterus being miserable and cervix was a rock star and held steady at 2 cm until things calmed down later that night. 

I was once again admitted to the antepartum floor where I stayed until Friday afternoon. I was having some difficultly with the thought of staying in the hospital until delivery so my OB team and I came up with a plan that we were both comfortable with.

The Plan - I was to have an ultrasound before being discharged just to ensure that all was well with baby boy. If he passed the biophysical and my cervix hadn't made any change...I could go home. Baby boy looked great and although he's on the small side, in the 25th percentile at around 5lbs...he passed with flying colors. Cervix was the same...cause she's a rock star! The other part of the plan was sending me home with a prescription for a small amount of pain meds. If I started to contract again, I would take the pain meds and up my fluid intake in the hope that things would settle as this seemed to work in the hospital. I was happy, my OB team was happy. I was discharged Friday afternoon. 

It's now Monday and I'm happy to report that I am still at home and still very much pregnant ☺

My next appointment is Wednesday morning. It's so surreal to be so close to meeting baby boy...I'm thrilled, excited and anxious all rolled into one!

35 week belly


  1. You look great! Glad to hear that baby boy is staying put for the time being!

  2. Glad to hear baby boy is still doing well and staying put for now :)

  3. Well he won't be born on my birthday and now you are so close to 36 weeks! It is going to be perfect and I can't wait to see your trouble maker :)

  4. Yay for a rock start cervix and healthy baby boy that is so far staying put! So exciting that you will be holding him on the outside soon. Also, that is one VERY cute baby belly!

  5. yay!!! So glad you just keep trucking! It will be so amazing if you guys manage to avoid NICU time all together. Good job mama, this has not been an easy time.

  6. So glad you and baby boy are doing well! When I went into preterm labor, I was given pain medications and fluids, and we were able to keep my contractions at a less worrisome 10 minutes apart. I had contractions for over 4 weeks and baby boy actually had to be induced! I hope that he's able to stay inside for a few more weeks. You're looking great mama!

  7. Looking good lady and great job cervix!!


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