A Positive Force

Be a positive force. Pollute the well with rainbows and hearts! And as soon as the dark tar of negativity enters your body, grind it up and get it out. Because whether you think so or not, what you project effects everyone around you and your energy can create a chain reaction for the better. We are all sensitive beings exchanging all sorts of signals all the time. Even though the world effects you as heavily as it does sometimes, you effect the world around you right back.

Being positive will change the world a lot more than you think it will. I used to feel paralyzed by the badness in the world, thinking, “What’s the point? Why even try to help a problem when it is never going to stop it...people are cyclically spreading badness and pain.” But they are not just doing that...sometimes it just seems that way, and a constant barrage of terrible news can really get to most of us.

I recently heard this quote, “If you save the life of one man, you save all of mankind.” (I replace man with person of course.) This to me profoundly answers the question, “Why even try?” Because hope and love are alive and they are the true foundation of the human soul that can heal all. If you can become a positive influence in this universe, it multiplies and reverberates in ways you cannot know or see or quantify. Love is what makes us different and amazing and in the face of all the conflicts and fears and fighting, it’s the only thing that matters. We are all born good but we sometimes become dulled and lost on our path. Keep the light bright and you help change the world. Your smile, your energy, your kindness soothes and cures the pain of others in the most subtle of ways. It reminds a stranger that we are all good, people mean well, and the future is bright.

I thank all those who remain positive despite their hardship and remain kind despite the brutality of others. Thank you for the people that hold elevators for strangers. Let people in, in traffic. That get screwed by people that are just out to scam them but then spend a lot of their energy evaporating that rage and letting it fly out the window. The people that don’t think money is the most important thing in the world. That want to be responsible, respectful and to uproot their prejudices. The people that smile at you when passing in a hallway at work. The people that tell you when they like something you’re wearing. The people that compliment you when you did something really great even though they are helplessly jealous. The people that admit they’re jealous. The people with generous laughs. The people that are somehow magically never unkind. People that weep at beauty. The people that celebrate their friends when they win the lottery, and they mean it. The people that are kind to the the troubled, even when they are afraid. Because you don’t know it, but you are saving the world by existing.

You represent the pure good we are all born with but that can get dulled along the way. I believe we can all get there and work to stay there, and if you tune your body and mind toward peace and balance this center inside you will grow stronger. It’s like there’s an evil force trying to pollute us all and in order to get rid of that crap you’ve gotta cough it out like ash. Whatever you do don’t spread it. There’s a lot of terrible stuff going on out there, and you know what? It’s always gonna be. You can either contribute to it or be a force for good. I firmly believe whatever you put out there will come back to you, and however you treat others they will be more inclined to treat you back. It’s fun to be nice. And it makes you feel awesome. You matter.



  1. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.


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