Three Months

Well, I blinked and another month went by.

I feel like I live in a time-warp. In a lot of ways, this month went by slowly. But it also feels like it it way too soon for me to have a 3 month old.

Did I do all the things I wanted to do with my newborn? Is he still considered a newborn now that he’s 3 months old? I mean, he’s still wearing some 0-3 months clothes so that has to count for something, right?

Newborn or not...there is no question that he is the cutest baby in the whole wide world. Want proof...



Happy weekend you lovely peoples!



  1. Hahahaha- I thought that shirt with a mug on it said 'rum!'...took me a minute to realize it was YUM. I mean...go on with your bad self, boy! Enjoy that mug of rum! :)

  2. I thought the shirt said rum too! Too funny!


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