Still A Kid At Heart

Today I'm 33 weeks pregnant! This is a huge milestone in light of all that has happened in the last few days and while I'm celebrating week 33 in the hospital and not at home...I am so very very grateful to have reached this milestone. An update ~ We had an ultrasound yesterday. Biophysical profile and cervix check. The good looks great. The tech switched over to 3D to give us a view of his sweet little face. The bad cervix in now under 1.5. This was not the news I was hoping to hear but the encouraging part is that I haven't dilated anymore. Yeah for small victories. I'll gladly take what I can get. The plan today is to monitor the contractions, which I'm happy to report have spaced out. The OB team will come in later today and see how the day has gone. Depending on that we'll make a decision on going home or not. My OB doesn't think that will happen but I guess we will just have to wait and see. As you can imagine...I ...