It's Too Soon

I'm typing this from my iPhone so please excuse my typos and punctuation...I have a hard time with both on a good day :)

Today is 32 weeks 3 days and I've been admitted with pre term labor. We came in last night and sure enough, the cramping I thought was no big deal actually is a big deal! We are doing everything we can to to try and stop things and have been given the first steroid shot to help mature baby's lungs. Second dose is 9 pm tonight. Ultrasound this morning or afternoon to check things out. 

Please send all the "stop contractions" vibes you can muster my way...this baby boy needs to stay put for a few more weeks. 

I will update when I can. 


  1. Saying a prayer for you. Thank god you went in for the no big deal cramping. Sending good thoughts your way.

  2. Praying baby boy can spend a few more weeks inside! Take care mama, and know you are exactly where you should be!

  3. Hoping baby boy stats put. He sure is causing a lot if stress for his mama! Rest and relax and keep cooking that little boy.

  4. Hoping for more baking time for baby boy! It's amazing what they can do in the hospital now, and I'm sure you are in great hands. So stressful! Stay in, little guy!

  5. Eek. Are you on mag? My mag posts were a bunch of gibberish. 32 weeks is definitely too early, but babies at 32 weeks have great outcomes, so take heart in that! And I know of many people who had a nice long hospital stay and delivered closer to 36 which is practically term. Big hugs. Good luck slowing things down! And if you have any questions or need any resources about pre-term labor or preemies, please let me know or check out Septemer/October 2012 on my blog.

  6. Ditto Mrs. Green Grass, you've already done so incredibly well to get to 32 weeks! I will keep you and your little guy in my prayers--I know it's not easy. I had zero cervix at 25 weeks and was dilated to 2 at 27 weeks after they stopped my preterm labor, but the twins didn't come until 36w1d. I hope your baby bakes even longer than that, but no matter what, 32 weeks is an awesome milestone. You've done an amazing job of carrying him to this point. I went on strict bedrest at 23 weeks and was in the hospital from 25-36 weeks, and I remember we all celebrated at 32--even (especially) the doctors :) xoxo

  7. Praying for you! Please keep us updated. Hugs

  8. Keeping you, Adam and Baby Boy in my thoughts and prayers! xoxo

  9. Oh goodnees! I remember how overwhelmed I was getting similar news back in April; hang in there mama! I'm sending tons of vibes for baby boy to stay put 'til he's good and strong and ready to come, whenever that'll be. Hugs!

  10. Hoping baby boy stays put as long as possible!! Ya'll are in my thoughts.

  11. Every day that he's in there is a little victory...hoping your little buddy stays put as long as possible! I'm sure this is incredibly stressful for you and your husband...thinking of you both as well!


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