Before I Forget...

Yesterday was Day 5 ultrasound day and I encountered, for the first time, promotional stirrup covers. Are you familiar with these? Little mittens that slip over the stirrups in an exam room, little mittens advertising pharmaceutical products? I found them peculiar. Have pharmaceutical companies found these to be effective? Do women nestling themselves in for a wanding see these promotional stirrup mittens through the frame of their thighs and think “Hmm. Zoladex. I should Ask My Doctor about Zoladex - as soon as she removes her fingers from my vagina.” The results just arrived...But honestly I am too tired to write about the appointment - I feel defeated. All you need to know if that my FSH is higher than it's ever been and my antral follicle count is lower than it's ever been and I would like very much to crawl into a hole in the wall, pulling a bottle of wine and an electric blanket in after me, and not emerging until…well, do I have to emerge at all? Couldn't I just sta...