Confusion Reigns Supreme

This weekend I used a home pregnancy test (after swearing I wouldn't) and thought I saw a smudge of a line so this morning I took another and this came up...

Surely this must be a fluke so I took another and this came up...

Both looked very positive to me and both came up within a minute of testing so I did what I was instructed to do and called my clinic and went in for a beta.

Beta was 0.3
Progesterone 74

Negative. Not pregnant.

How a beta of 0.3 can show up so clearly on two completely different brands is beyond me.    

I'm confused!


  1. What?! Those are both very positive tests! 2 completely different brands! Is it possible to mess up a blood draw?! Something isn't right. Have you taken another test? Did you doctor say what might have happened? This is crazy!

  2. Wait, what? How in the world does this happen? So, what do you do now? I am right there with you.... so confused.

  3. Super confused. That looks very positive to me. Your progesterone is super high too, what the heck?!?

  4. Don't feel alone with confusion because I am very confused!

  5. 74 Progesterone is really high when a level of 30 is good for when you're pregnant. Could it be possible that the nurse got the levels swapped? Most of those pregnancy tests get a positive above 25 or 50. I would think that your HCG is 74, and your prog 30. There is no such thing as .3 HCG, it goes down to 0, but not less than. Definitely a mistake.

    1. And you look pregnant to me! I had a chemical pregnancy where the levels kept hovering at around 22, and I never got a positive HPT. So....congrats kinda? I'm betting on your HCG being 74.

    2. That makes a lot more sense. I so hope you are right. It certainly sounds like a balls up to me.

  6. Wow! I am right there confused with you. Those are two very clear + test. What did your doctor advise?

  7. So confusing! Will you be going in for another blood draw?

  8. I have NEVER heard of this happening, confusing for sure. How do they explain it?

  9. Holy shit! I'm totally baffled. But I'm going to go with human error here. What Chickenpig is saying sounds like it makes a lot of sense. Have you taken more home tests? What was the nurse's explanation for the mismatched results? Do you have a scheduled appt? Basically, what, what, what??

    I don't want to jinx this, but it sure as hell looks like you're pregnant!

  10. They look super duper positive to me. Maybe you should retest your beta? Super duper hoping the nurse is wrong!

  11. I refuse to believe that the nurse is correct. Those are VERY positive tests!! I would ask for another draw tomorrow. I'm praying that this was human error and the tests are true!!!

  12. Agreed. Those looks like definite positives.


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