Too Early?

It just occurred to me that my beta HCG was drawn 6dpo. 
Isn't that too early to get a positive blood test?

I know...much rambling...please bear with me!


  1. I would say yes since implantation usually happens 6~12 days. I am still at total loss for positive tests though.

  2. sooo weird. the earliest i have ever heard of a positive hpt is 9dpo, and some not until 12, so I am holding out hope for you!

  3. It's WAY too early unless your ovulation dates are off. If you are testing put a trigger I would say test away at 6dpo, otherwise stay away from the pee sticks until at least 9dpo. It would probably avoid such confusion in the future. I know it's addicting though...

  4. Yes...I think you shouldnt consider yourself out until AF shows.

  5. What Toni said. Implantation occurs at around day 6, and it takes up to 2 days for the embryo to make enough HCG to show up. That is on a blood test. BUT you had two positive pregnancy maybe they picked up on ovulation? There is a web site that may have an explanation, I think it's called peeonastick dot com?

  6. Totally way to early for a blood test, like all the others have said. Holding onto hope for you!!!

  7. Huh. Seems a little early but you never know. Fingers crossed!

  8. Your sure it was hcg not progesterone? Any news?

    1. I was pretty sure that HPT only pick up HCG and not progesterone. In all my IVF cycles I never saw a positive test and I was on lots of extra progesterone.

  9. This is some serious craziness, Janet. Do you have an update?


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