Word Of The Day

Today's word of the day is - Surreal

I didn't know how to turn “feels surreal” into a noun. My brain is a little sluggish these days.

I'm 12 weeks pregnant today.

However you describe it, my pregnancy feels very surreal right now. I’m not curled up in the fetal position with morning sickness (thank you Diclectin) , but I’m not bursting at the seems with a protruding belly. I essentially feel pretty normal. As in, there’s not a baby popping out of me in September. 

This is not to say I don’t understand there’s a baby coming. It just feels a little bit like a game of just pretend right now. 

Surreal...that's a good word to sum up what I'm feeling.

Cave Surreal Town Whales via 


  1. its' such an incredible feeling, isn't it?! <3 happy twelve weeks! so, so SO happy for you!!!
    i hope you're eating lots of cheese pizza!!!

  2. The good kind of surreal though!!! It is so amazing to be where you are after all you have been through. Soak it up! It will all of a sudden feel real with that little one starts kicking. And if you are anything like me you will walk around all day with a dopey look on your face and your hand on your belly :).

  3. Happy 12 weeks! That surreal feeling stays with you for a while longer. For me it was basically until I was wheeled in for my c-section!!

  4. I don't know if that feeling subsides- It changes, but I think it was somewhat there until a few weeks after the boys were born! Congrats on 12 weeks- I'm so very happy for you!

  5. I am still feeling that way at 19 weeks! Congrats on the 12 weeks.. :)

  6. My twins are almost 6 months old and it still feels surreal at times.
    Congrats on 12 weeks!

  7. This is a good surreal! Congrats on 12 weeks, won't be long before you can see evidence of that baby when you look down at your toes... :)


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