Weekend Recap In Pictures

~ Because I am too tired and sick to think of anything remotely funny or interesting to amuse you with and because I really should be working or least make it look like I am whilst dreaming of a hot cup of tea and an afternoon nap.
Friday night crazy socks...
Sunday morning crazy socks...
I have a thing for socks...I love crazy socks...the more loud & outrageous...the better...cause that's how I roll yo. ~ Actually I roll by squatting on the floor, balancing on the balls of my feet, holding out my arms for balance as I lower down to the floor. I then touch the floor with both hands and begin to roll forward, tucking my chin into your chest. That's how I roll.

Karen now likes crazy socks too
Do not fret Karen...I have a friend of a friend that knows a guy that knows a girl that knows a guy that sells amaze-balls socks. I'll hook you up!

I squish you!
Stormy windy lake
The weekend might have been wet and stormy but my Dear Sweet Bon Echo delivered as always. How was your weekend?


  1. LOVE your socks! haha little squeeze face pic!! Love it!

  2. I love hearing about your bon echo weekends. I wish I could join you on one.

  3. i secretly love crazy socks too but aren't as brave as you to sport them in public! it looks like a crazy windy weekend at bon echo. Hope you feel better soon! everyone seems to be sick.

  4. Ha ha! I love your crazy socks! But I think I love your photos of the squishy faces even more. ;)

  5. Such awesome socks shouldn't be hidden; they were meant to be worn with sandals! I'd love to see you wear some loud and outrageous socks with a pair of these.


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