Unsolved Mysteries

It seems I have a mystery on my hands. Not quite on the scale of say a “Bermuda Triangle” or “Stonehenge” kind of mystery but a genuine mystery none the less.

I did laundry the other day...not exactly truly very exciting news I know but it explains the mystery so just go with me on this one..

I pulled out my laundry, folded a few things and noticed that there was some kind of pink goo on my clothes. “Hmmmm” I think “I wonder what that is?” I ask myself but continue to fold away. I do another load of laundry and get the same result so I take a look in the dryer and find this...

Along with a lonely but guilty looking Double Bubble wrapper. Double Bubble was invented in 1928 by Philadelphia based Walter E. Diemer, an accountant at Fleer. Why do I know this...I have no idea but I do. Anywho...said wrapper was happily curled up into the corner of the dryer trying very hard to look innocent. Now for the interesting part...not a soul in the JaAdam household has any idea how or why a chewed up piece of bubble gum ended up getting washed and dried a couple of times.

I've never seen that gum before”...”I don't even like Double Bubble”...”It's not mine” are some of what I have heard. A real mystery indeed! It's also a mystery as to just how I am going to get it off!


  1. Oh that is sooo annoying!!! There must be a remedy on google somewhere!


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