The Waiting Game

As a wise man once said - in this case that wise man is none other than Jack Johnson, whom I adore - Banana Pancakes...check it out -

"Must I always be waiting waiting on you?
Must I always be playing playing your fool?
No I can't always be waiting waiting on you
I can't always be playing playing your fool, foool"

This is a message for my Aunt Flo....please come, please put me out of my misery! I need you to come and visit me, I need to get this next IVF cycle on the go. I've been a good girl, I've been taking all of my vitamins, drinking lots of water, exercising and eating well. Heck...I've even laid off the candy. I have all of my medications and needles organized in a cute little storage container that I'm sure you will also think is cute...please come! It's been a long 15 days since stopping all of the medications and I need you. I need to stop feeling foolish for running to the bathroom every ten minutes thinking that you were here. *Sigh*

On a completely unrelated note - I love, love, love these earrings that I found on Etsy. My birthday will be here soon and as a birthday treat to myself, I might just order a pair or two or three of these.  A pair for me, a pair for a few friends of mine...another pair for me - she also makes chalk bag and climbing shoes earrings *giggle*

Cam earrings by Climber Chic via Etsy

Happy Thursday to you!


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