Exposing Myself & The Unexpected Surprises That Come With

Last year I started exposing myself in public. By moonlight, I skulk down dark alleyways clad in nothing but a trench coat and a lusty smirk, ready to fling open my jacket to anything with a heart beat, while my euphemism dangles in the breeze. The chill, of course, can be troublesome, making it all the more embarrassing. Yet I can’t stop. I’m addicted. Pandora is out of the box.

While right about now you’re wondering which alleyways you should avoid, I’ll clarify. I’m talking about blogging ~ the 21st century’s answer to the soapbox where any nut case with an email address can set up and preach to the world...and I mean world...about those thoughts residing in the darkest receptacles of the brain. And...they ain’t always pretty. 

Some do it for fun, some to preach, others to rant. Some do it to beautifully catalogue the routine of everyday life and share thoughts and pics with cyberspace, as though putting those thoughts out there, into the anonymous void, somehow helps to harness life, rather than let them float around willy-nilly, as life tends to feel.

It’s the epistolary tradition of the 19th century...revitalised...of writers sitting by candlelight in the parlour scribbling in loopy cursive on thick creamy paper, sealing it with hot wax, driven only by the knowledge that someone, somewhere will eventually read it.

This appeals. The connection. 

What I didn't expect when I started to blog was...

a) that anyone would actually read it (other than my mom & dad) and
b) that I would meet and get to know some pretty amazing people. 

One of those amazing people is Ashley over at Calmly Chaotic. Ashley is an amazing mom of the sweetest twin girls...Alice & Isla. Why is she amazing? Well, let me tell you why. 

Yesterday after arriving home from work there was a bag waiting for me. Adam said it was hanging off the door when he arrived home and didn't know where it had come from. I opened the bag and to my utter surprise there was a book and not just any book...it was the book that I had been waiting for, for a very, very long time...and a lovely card. It was a very thoughtful early birthday gift!

What Ashley didn't know was that yesterday had been an exceptionally difficult day for me and that her thoughtful gift made my day. I was down and then I was up and for that I am incredibly grateful. Thank you Ashley.

It's because of the unexpected that I'll continue to blog. Every letter needs a wax seal. I click…and my thoughts take lift off and are exposed for eyes to see. 


  1. My copy arrived the other day and I am so excited about starting it, but I am re-reading 'A Discovery of Witches' first (I realized that although I remembered the story the little details had escaped me). I must read faster, I want to get on to the new one so much.

  2. sooo glad it helped pick up your day! i felt a little funny leaving it in your door! felt like i was on some sort of covert op! i too am so grateful for the friends I have made through blogging.

    all of the books you have lent to me have certainly provided a much needed escape on a daily basis so this is the least i could do.

    i am about 40 pages in and so far so good but am waiting to get really pulled in. we'll have to chat once we're both done.


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