
Clown - A buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes, antics, and tricks in a circus, play, or other presentation. This is what "" tells me is the true definition of a clown..I disagree! 

Coulrophobia is an abnormal, irrational fear of clowns - as defined by the all knowing wikipedia.

I have this fear and to me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kinda scary. I've always wondered where this started, and I  really don't have an answer. Perhaps in my childhood I had a run in with a clown that was so terrible and traumatizing I've blocked it out. I doubt it...but...I'm going to go with that instead of..."Janet is just a big fat scared wimp with an irrational fear of something that usually makes one laugh and feel happy".  In any case it's my ridiculous fear and I am not afraid to admit it!

Know what else is scary? IVF. What's scarier than that? IVF and Clowns!

Last night I had a dream, a truly horrible dream...
We arrived at the clinic for our ER (embryo transfer) and all seemed well at first, I was prepped and feeling pretty relaxed, procedure started and then....

My wonderful Doctor had turned into a clown and he was implanting little tiny clown babies into my womb *Gasp*

Then, I woke up!

I have heard that humor and laughter has been linked to a woman's chance of IVF success but…clowns. I just…No! Of all the things I would not want to appear at my bedside while I was trying to relax and think fertile, warm and inviting, happy uterus thoughts, a clown is pretty much at the top of the list. Along with like zombies. Or ghosts. Or Joan Rivers!



  1. Joan Rivers lol! In all seriousness though, clowns and IVF would be a scary match indeed!

  2. I just added a comment with the ottoman details on my blog. Hopefully you can track them down too!


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