Yesterday was a tough day. On the drive home from work I had a little cry. I pulled into the driveway got out of the car and saw this...

Now matter the troubles of my day or the sadness I marches on and I just need to march right along with it. 


  1. Beautiful picture. I think it was a sign from God that everything will be ok. You were meant to see that rainbow. : ) You are strong and can make it through the sadness!

  2. Hi,

    I found your blog after putting " four follicles on AFC" into google. I also just got the " four" count. Down from 12 just four months ago. Uuuuuugh. I keep telling myself that all it takes is ONE. I am 36 and live in southern Ontario. I am doing a minimal stim cycle...thank you for your words -- sending you lots of babydust...

  3. Anonymous - Sending you the very best of luck with your cycle. Please keep me updated and let me know how you make out. I'll be thinking of you! Sending lots of babydust from Ottawa your way!

    1. Hi Janet,

      Wow I grew up in Ottawa! I just got home from my egg retrieval after min stim cycle. We got three egg retrieved -- now the anxious waiting game to see if any fertilize- uuuuugh. We had three big follicles and one small one going into today's procedure. So everyone is considering 3 eggs as a good outcome. I only need one!!!

  4. Ps-- I am the same person who posted the previous post about the low AFC-- I am crossing fingers and toes for you! Babydust...


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