
I received an email notification that someone had tagged a photo of me.

I typically avoid cameras, because my face does not translate well in 2D. I have that disorder where I look okay in person, but for some reason when captured in a photograph, my appearance is altered to show 5 extra pounds and a logging route road map of wrinkles.

And that’s just my face.

I asked once what that disorder was called. Apparently it’s commonly referred to as “being female.”

You know how some orthodox Amish believe the camera steals your soul? It’s kind of true. Except for me, it’s not so much the “soul” as “the will to live.”

This explains my hesitation about clicking the “You’ve been tagged!” link.

Life is all about living...right? So I lived a little and clicked the button. I've also declared that from here on out, every Friday will now be called "Funny Face Friday".

Here's my Friday submission...

And yes...in case you were wondering...I have been avoiding a re-cap of our RE appointment but I promise...you shall have it soon.


  1. lol! I HATE when someone else takes my picture! especially when they hold the camera at their belly button and shoot at an upward angle..Not cool! I feel like I am always yelling "higher! higher!" until the person taking the picture is in a tree with a lovely downward angle making me appear 20lbs slimmer :) Love funny face Friday! :)

  2. That's crazy talk! You look gorgeous in all of your pics that you've posted of yourself. : )

  3. Ugh, I have this disease as well. Mirror - ok, photo.....NOT ok, never ok!

  4. LOL, you look great in all your photos! We are our worst critics. :)


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