Awareness & Over Sharing

Awareness . There are few things I am absolutely sure of. I am however absolutely sure that the guy next to me on my way into work this morning was pretty convinced that I was either trying really hard to break the windows in my car or that I was being tickle-tortured and subsequently screaming at the top of my lungs. Either way, I would like to say that I was doing neither. I am also fully aware that I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. My goal is NOT to be Carrie Underwood when I grow up. I find it relaxing to sing-a-long in the car on a drive, OK? I will also be doing the same on my way home from work. If you see me...please look away and keep driving! Over sharing. I made the mistake of over sharing - and over blogging - to some of my friends and co-workers that I am afraid of clowns. Always have been and always will be...I've accepted this. My friends love me, I'm certain of this...or...I was certain of this until recently. These ha...