The Day After...

Yesterday I cried. Today I will not. Simple as that.

After a good cry yesterday and a good part of the evening tucked into Adam's arms on the couch and a good snuggle and chat in bed...I feel better. I feel hopeful. 

I had a good chat with my doctor yesterday and while he's uncertain why I never really responded as I should have and my hormones all remained quite low...we have a "New Plan" and it looks a little something like this:

Cycle #2 begins as soon as the current medications have cleared my system and my lovely Aunt Flo comes for a visit...Hopefully within the next couple of weeks. To be honest, I was quite surprised that we could jump right back in and start again immediately but I'll take it. If she doesn't come to visit within the next 3 weeks, we'll do some blood work to find out why...anywho...that won't be needed because she loves me so and she will come to visit me  soon!

On Day 1 of a next period - blood work & ultrasound.
No birth control pills will be used, also no Lupron.
Start 300 IU Menopur & Cetrotide, no Puregon.

This time I will be on a Short Protocol and we'll be jumping right in to stimulation, no suppression to start as we think this was the problem with Cycle #1. I am not yet sure about estimated retrieval and transfer dates as I'll be monitored closely, when I am ready, I am ready. 

My new mantra...
"She Belived She Could So She Did" by Valentian Design via Etsy 

Happy Friday!


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