Ignavus Ova

Day 6

Six days for my ovaries to step up to the plate and grow some follicles. Six days should be enough time to get things going right? Apparently not for my Ignavus Ova "Lazy Ovaries". My first ultrasound scan was this morning after my blood work was less than impressive. 

4 Follicles on the right - 3 to 5 mm in size 
5 Follicles on the left - 1.8 to 3 mm in size - Follicles need to be 18 mm.
Lining was at 3.6 - Lining needs to be at 8 mm. 

From all that I have been reading, I knew this was a low number and the size was on the small size. My thoughts were confirmed when the clinic called. They've upped my Puregon from 100IU to 200IU and I'm to stop the Lupron. My next round of blood work and ultrasound is Thursday morning - we need to see a marked improvement! 

*Crossed Fingers* for great results on Thursday. In the meantime...this is my message to my ovaries and follies...
I am feeling Discouraged & Hopeful! The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow....right?

5:05 pm - Update from the clinic: My E2 level hasn't really risen at all after 6 days of stims. Upped my dose of Puregon to 200IU and stopped my Lupron. Here's hoping this gets things moving along!


  1. I am so hoping that your body kicks it into high gear! I had a slow start too but then things really got moving so I am hoping the same happens for you!


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