
I am a very lucky woman and this weekend reinforced just how lucky I am.

This weekend was the annual Bon Echo 101 - which is an oppourtunity to take new climbers out on the cliff to experince Bon Echo in all it's glory for the first time. I clearly remember my first weekend was July, has it really been that long...anyway....I remember the awe, the excitement, the terror of that first climb out of the boat and I clearly remember how amazing it was. What was great about this weekend was seeing all of that awe, excitement and terror in the faces of all the "newbies". It was Great!

This was also perhaps my last weekend to climb outside for some time and usually this would make me very sad but...not this time...this time it was met with excitement and happiness. Why can't I climb you might ask....cause...we are in the midst of making a JaAdam wee one and that is exciting! My friends are as equally excited and that...well...that is just so very, very cool. I am surrouned by loads of love and support...I am lucky!

I am in LOVE with that place and I am in LOVE with my amazing friends!


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