Goodbye 2011 - Hello 2012

A new year is approaching. You know what that means. Besides remembering to write 2012, that is hard enough...there is more. Yes, more. Those famous New Year resolutions. Everyone has them. Or, maybe not. Even so, I always make them. That does not mean that I will keep them. I make them and wish. Wish that I did not have to. Still, I do. Here are just a few of my 2012 resolutions... I hereby resolve to Not stress about baby making...this one is going to be tough but I will do my best. I will answer my snail mail with the same enthusiasm with which I answer my e-mail. I promise to throw out all of the left over candy canes. I can only crush up so many for cookies. Keep my opinions to myself (yeah, right). Wear something other than Lululemon pants to the grocery store. Stop repeating myself again, and again, and again. Wear something other than Lululemon pants to the grocery store...oops...there I go again! Stop procrastinating ... (...