Waiting, Waiting...Waiting

I had my blood draw at 7:30 this morning for beta #2 and I'm waiting......

Update @ 3:30 pm - I am NOT going to get the results of today's beta as the clinic is now closed and my clinic in Toronto is on Christmas shut down. Likely won't hear tomorrow cause well it's December 24th and then it's Christmas so I'm lucky if I'll hear back before the 28th. This is torture! Yes...there will be tears!


  1. That sucks! No matter how early I get my blood drawn at my clinic they never call before 1, and sometimes much, much later. I hope you get your answer soon while you still have hair on your head and fingernails :)

  2. Waiting blows! I hope you hear soon- I'll be checking back :)

  3. ohhh i hope you hear soon and that it's great news!

  4. everything is crossed for you!!!!!

  5. Oh my gosh.... Horrible!!! Can I assume you'll be wee'ing on sticks over the weekend?!?

  6. oh my god. how can they do this to you? that is truly torture! what about going to a walk in? any way they could get you results same day?

  7. That is horrible! Don't they know this is torture for you??? Do you know any dr's personally that could order the test for you at a hospital? They would get the results in a couple of hours (hospitals don't close for xmas). I am so sorry you are having to wait. My fingers are crossed that you will get a good result!

  8. I am sorry Janet.... I am sending you "peace" vibes.... I don't understand how they don't understand what this answer means to you...or to anyone in this spot...


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