Do You "Do" What I "Do"?

I woke up fairly early this morning, snuggled in bed and got to thinking about the last few months of my life & our IVF journey. All of the ups & downs...of which there have been many. I also started to wonder if I'm the only one that hides my underpants when I disrobe in the exam room? Every time I take off my underpants, I consciously ask myself why I am hiding them under my clothes. Maybe I think the doctor will take one look at them and say, “Aha! This is why you aren't getting pregnant.” Do you do what I do when disrobing?

I also woke up with an overwhelming sense of defeat that I can't quite explain. I really don't think that this frozen cycle worked.  Why do I feel this way? I have no idea! The feeling is just there and I can't seem to shake it. Adam and I started to talk about what we'll do if a BFN appears. We agreed that we will make some plans for world domination!  

"Gee Adam, what are we going to do tonight?"
 Adam, "The same thing we do every night, Janet. Try to take over the world"

Three days until beta. While I wait I must remember...

                                         Audrey Hepburn Quote by 3 Lambs Graphics via Etsy


  1. I ALWAYS hide my underwear, I have no idea why. The strangest was when my MIL was with me for an ultrasound one time and she folded them with my clothes, isn't that awkward?

    Sorry you aren't feeling hopeful, but looking forward to hearing more about world domination. Hoping you are wrong and that your baby will have to dominate the world.

  2. YES! I take off my pants, neatly fold them, place them in the chair and place my underwear in one of the folds. Everytime. I thought it was normal... Maybe not?!?

  3. Haha - Yes, I hide my underwear too - I need to invest in a completely new set, especially after all those months of progesterone suppositories.
    I praying you get a positive beta! Don't lose hope!

  4. i always hide mine like you can see my vag in all its glory but not my knickers! ha ha ha.

    I know that right now you are not feeling it and god I hate saying this but I am proof that you can not be feeling it and be pregnant.

    Come on Santa bring the present she wants!

  5. I always hide my underwear! Even in the changing room where there are lockers, I hide my panties. Crazy, huh?

  6. Just checking in to let you know that I am thinking of you and sending you all the best.

  7. I know this is an old post, but I just found your blog and HAD to respond to this post! YES! I totally hide my underwear! I've even tried not hiding it once or twice and always change my mind. Thank you for this post! I thought I was being weird, but am glad to see I'm not!


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