
There really is nothing as sweet as walking through your front door when you've been away for a few days...I love home!

Our trip to Toronto was amazing. I feel refreshed, renewed...hopeful again.

The day of our transfer was very, very quiet indeed. Adam and I spent the day curled on the couch (thanks to my amazing friend C for putting up with us for a few days) watching movies & reading and perhaps taking a nap or two. Friday was much of the same but by late afternoon I was starting to go a little stir crazy...thankfully...we headed out to meet a a few of our friends at the Christmas Festival at the Distillery District...amazing!!! If you live in or near Toronto...you must go. The 45 foot Christmas tree was simply, wonderfully...magical.

After leaving the Festival, we headed out for a late bite to eat. Not very exciting I know...but...what was exciting was discovering a true gem of a man named Paul James. I'm not usually one for live music and we did debate leaving before he started playing but boy, am I sure glad we didn't. I can't remember the last time that I had that much fun and was that entertained. Mr. Paul James was so good in fact that we just couldn't tear ourselves out of there...We closed the place down. Thank you Paul James...I think I have a crush on you and your hair. 

Slept in a little this morning, had brunch with Adam's brother and sister and made the trek home. A drive home just wouldn't be complete without a little PIO injection in the front seat of the car at a highway rest stop...

Glad to be Home Sweet Home.


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