The Day After

This morning I woke up, rolled over and then remembered that yes, I was once again pregnant until proven otherwise. 

Am I happy? Yes, I'm over the moon thrilled but I am also not afraid to admit that I am scared. Three transfers in less than 5 months has taken a real emotional toll on me as well as Adam and yesterday was no exception. I slept well, I was fine on the way to the clinic. Adam and I cracked our usual silly jokes and took some of our usual goofy photos. In fact, I was fine right up until they loaded the embryos into the catheter...then I had a moment. I started to cry. It was the body shaking kind of cry that came out of nowhere and caught me by surprise. Adam clutched my hand, we took a few moments...

And then transferred two perfect looking embryos...

They are home where they belong.

A transfer wouldn't be a transfer without some silly pictures...

My awesome stirrup socks from Christi
Waiting can be fun
Would you trust this doctor?
Double thumbs up!

Beta is scheduled for December 21st!


  1. I hope that PUPO turns to pregnant for nine months :) Those are a couple of beautiful embryos you've got on board.

  2. Wow really perfect looking embys!!! And you look so relaxed....that can only help! We always take silly pics too....there is something about this process that requires a camera! I wish you the best of luck!

  3. Beautiful embies Janet! I am hoping they stick around for 9 months :)

  4. Great embies was it a smooth transfer? I know it's a lot to take in. Fingers crossed for a +++++++++++++

  5. haha this made me smile =) Hoping for a positive outcome!


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