I'm Hanging onto Hope

Today is 13dp3dt...beta is in the morning. 

I'm hanging in there but the past couple of days have been very, very hard. I'm trying my best to stay hopeful but I'll admit that doubt and paranoia have crept in at times. I've resisted the urge and have not POAS but I will tomorrow morning at 6 am before I head to the lab so that Adam and I can find out together.

I’m letting Paranoia bring me down. Get off my cloud, you fat whore-Paranoia! There’s only room for two and Hope has already started getting settled in! 

Hope by The Little Rice via Etsy

Hoping for good things tomorrow!


  1. Oh exciting! What will power you have. Can't believe you haven't POAS yet. Good for you. :) How are you feeling?

  2. I'm thinking of you this morning- good luck!!


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