On The Ledge

Quick...I need someone to talk me off the proverbial "ledge". Today is 11dp3dt and if I am indeed pregnant a HPT - home pregnancy test for my rock climbing friends - should, at this point, pick up enough HCG to show a positive. I want to know...I need to know...but at the same time if the news is not good I'm not sure that I'd be able to keep myself together to get through the next few days at work. *Sigh*
Don't do it Janet...don't do it! 


  1. Its a hard one, but unfortunately I can't be the one to talk you down from this one- I tested at 6dp5dt :) Good Luck!

  2. Sorry sweetie, I was terrible at this and tested all the time! Good luck!

  3. Hi Janet - thanks for commenting on my blog - You are almost there! Don't POAS! You can make it!

  4. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! I am terrible at the 2ww....I just can help myself from testing. And then I convince myself that the negative was just 'too early' and I do it again the next day :( If you can stay strong and resist the urge...you can save yourself some money and go out to eat instead!


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