A Slice Of Good News

Today is 8dp3dt. I was back at the hospital this morning and it was decided that the benefit outweighed the risk and it would be best if I had a VQ scan - Ventilation/Perfusion lung scan - it was the right decision to make. That test thankfully came back clear...yeah! The shortness of breath is likely related to the OHSS and should resolve in a few days. 

My beta HCG yesterday (7dp3dt - usual beta is 12-14dp3dt) was only 4 and 5+ is considered a positive. So while I have HCG in my blood, it's one point below where it's considered positive. I did crack and POAS this afternoon and it came back negative. While sad - I was really hoping to see a faint positive - everything that I've read...tells me this is still early for sure and I can very well be pregnant. I'm pretty sure that the beta of 4 is not from my trigger shot as that was 14 days ago.


IVF I'm discovering, is one crazy wave after another. It's goes right when I go left and vice versa. My actual Beta is not until August 19 - still 6 days away. Will I POAS before then? Undecided. What I have decided is that I am going to do my best to rest and feel better. What better way to do that than curled up with a new cream colored duvet throw and a  good book and a few movies.

Happy Saturday!


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