Just a Tip

Dear Friday, 

Why did you take so long to get here? Please ensure that this doesn't happen again next week. This is becoming a bad habit and it must stop.


This week has been so very, very long. Work has been crazy and I've been busy every night of the week. Plus, good ol Estrace is taking it's toll. I'm looking forward to five o'clock and a quiet evening in where I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing! To ensure that tonight stays quiet and I won't have to remove myself from the couch, I've come up with some helpful tips on avoidance....

Problem – The dishwasher is full of dirty dishes and the dishes in the sink are piling up.         You've spent an exhausting day at work dealing with all sorts of demanding clients. You get home and just want to lay on the couch so you can catch up on one of the several episodes of  Grey's Anatomy that have been on your DVR for the past few months. 
Solution – Forget the dishes and veg out in front of the television for an hour or two. You deserve it. When your husband comes home from work tell him that the oddest thing happened. You had planned on doing the dishes but not only did the electricity go out, so did the water.

Problem – The laundry is piling up.
Solution – What laundry? I don’t see any dirty laundry.

Problem – The trash can is full.
Solution – Put on your shoes and smash the trash down as far as it will go. Later that night, right before bed, say oh by the way, can you take the trash out? and then run like hell into the bedroom and lay in bed, pretending that you’ve already fallen asleep. He’s still in his clothes but unless he’s a meanie, he wouldn’t dare wake his sleeping wife to take the trash out.

Problem – Cooking dinner.
Solution – Tell him you have raging hormones and cramps and your cramps are so bad that you can barely stand up. Add a few owwws and ohhhsss. By the time the take-out he ordered comes, you’ve miraculously recovered.

What do you plan on avoiding this weekend?


  1. My marking. I have a huge pile of it, probably about 5-7 hours worth. I did promise myself that I would tackle at least one assignment a day. I hate that panic the day before school returns from Spring Break.

  2. I have said I will help Kitt in the garden, so I probably will, maybe, although, there might be some sofa related activities that may suddenly become very important.


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