Hide & Seek

Remember when...

Not so long ago...back in the day when it was not unusual for neighbourhood kids to gather together and literally "play games", the one that was quite popular was "Hide and Seek". I wonder which part did you like better. I suppose it was the "hiding" part, right? I myself hated those times when I got to be the "It" especially when I end up doing it for several rounds. I just couldn't figure out where those rascals were. Obviously, the "hiding" part was the best one. You agree? We became so creative in finding those tight places the "It" would most likely not figure out!

What is so intriguing about this "Hide and Seek" game is that it has actually ceased to be a mere child’s game. Full grown adults have not outgrown this game; it has become so much a part of their nature; the "hiding" part especially.

What's the point of all of this you may be asking yourself? Well...

It's International De-lurking Week, which comes each year on the second week of January (or the first full week of the month). It runs this year from the 6th until the 13th, so you have six days left to leave the comfort of the reading closet and check in with an "I’m here" comment.

It is fairly easy. Leave a comment in the comment section below admitting that you’re here. You can simply raise your hand and quietly admit that you’re here with a simple, one-word "here" comment...or you can proudly raise your hand and tell me a bit about yourself.

I'm guilty of "hiding" more often than not on a lot of blogs I check in on so I'm going to strive to do less hiding and more seeking.

Hide and Seek...Quite a game, indeed!

via leskimo


  1. Hello! I can't remember if I have de-lurked myself, I know I have certainly not been a great commenter so far, certainly a C- at the most ;)
    Please consider me de-lurked and that I will make more effort in future!
    Oh and wishing you a peaceful 2WW!

    1. Yeah for de-lurking!! Thanks for the peaceful wishes...I need them!

  2. No one could accuse me of hiding hey? I guess I am not good at finding hiding places.

  3. I'm here!! lol, but I think you knew that :) I still love playing hide and seek with my husband FWIW lol

    1. I knew but so nice to see you pop in and say "hello" :-)

  4. Looks like you're getting comments from us Regulars :) Oh well. But I agree with the hiding. Hopefully it is a bit of a Normal Curve though. I think the hiding begins to increase in adolescence and then hopefully starts to decrease again as we roll down into the 30s. At least, that's how I feel about me.

    Of course...it wouldn't be good if we just let it all hang out!!

    1. Thanks for following along and listening to my constant nonsense!

  5. Hide and seek was my favorite! But playing as an adult is a little tricky! every time I hide now I instantly have to pee!! then I am usually found fairly quickly because of all the noise I am making while doing the pee pee dance! ugh! lol..but ya I'm here!

    1. Yeah...I always love to see you here! Can't wait for my little treat to arrive!

  6. Hi, I'm rebecca from Alberta, Ive been trying to make a baby along with you.

    1. Hi Rebecca from Alberta :) My sister just moved from Cold Lake and I have a brother in Calgary. Where are you located?

  7. Hi, I'm JoJo. I've been in this TTC journey for a good 4-5 yrs. Just in 2012 I started seeing an RE to see what's going on. Hoping 2013 brings us a miracle.

    1. So nice to see you JoJo. Here's to hoping that 2013 will be kind to both of us!

  8. Hi! My name is Maria and I've been TTC for 2.5 years, and following your blog for awhile now! We have MFI issues and did our first fresh IVF over Thanksgiving, which didn't work out, but we have 3 frozen embryos. Right now I'm in limbo waiting until March to start BCP for a FET to time our possible pregnancy so I wouldn't have to miss being in my SIL's wedding next fall. I'm missing having a schedule and doctor's appointments and feeling lost without as actively TTC!

    1. Hi Maria! From my experince, FET are so much easier than a fresh cycle.I wish you the very best of luck. Thank you for following along!


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